Friday, March 2, 2007

Bisnis search engine Bigdaddy

Friday, March 2, 2007 - From Aplikasi Big daddy

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WARNING! Don't even think about promoting your Internet business until you read this...

"Discover How You Can Quickly CASH IN promoting your Web site for FREE! "

Take 5 Minutes right now and learn about the most exciting advertising opportunity to hit the web since Google. How would you like to have YOUR Own FREE TOP Keyword Position + Exclusive Search Engine Portal + $50 in FREE Advertising Without Paying One Cent ?

Read through this entire page and discover a golden opportunity inside SearchBigDaddy.Com that will allow you to drive massive targeted traffic to your Web site along with acquiring thousands of FREE Advertising dollars all while simultaneously building a rock solid long term online residual Affiliate income.

There's absolutely no hype or B.S., when you have something this solid and good you don't need hype. I guarantee you do not have an opportunity on your desk or in your computer right now to profit and succeed with your Web site as BIG as what you're about to discover.

"In the last quarter of 2005 (that's in only 3 months) Internet advertising revenue reached 2.8 BILLION Dollars and 993 MILLION was paid out in commissions to affiliates. And with the rate of growth that number will double in about a year."

So how much of these millions of advertising dollars do you want for your Web site? BECAUSE SearchBigDaddy.Com shows you the way with a PROVEN business model by NOT ONLY giving you your own FREE TOP Keyword Position (and a chance to acquire many MORE), but also empowers you to GIVE AWAY UNLIMITED TOP Keyword Positions while being rewarded with CASH and Advertising Dollars to do it! Now that's what I call LEVERAGE! The MORE you GIVE AWAY the MORE YOU RECEIVE. In other words . . . "THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING."

Are You Tired of The Hype And The Crazy Claims of Other So Called Guru's That Keep Asking You For More And More Money? We Are Too! And that's why we're giving you the Golden Key to your very own Search Engine Portal bundled with a FREE TOP Keyword Position and $50 FREE Advertising dollars for absolutely no cost! This will prove to be the most valuable piece of real estate you own on the Internet. But before you take our word for it, check out the SearchBigDaddy.Com TRAFFIC RANK by the AUTHORITY on Internet Traffic Alexa.Com - CLICK HERE

A FREE Membership With a TOP Keyword Position, Search Engine Portal, and $50 in FREE Advertising!

You Can Be The Owner Of A 100% Turn-Key Multi-Profit Search Engine Portal

FACT: The search engine marketing industry is expected to grow to $7.2 billion this year! That's double in less than 2 years.
ref: Search Engine Marketing Professional Association.

It's no accident that you're on this site, if it is, consider yourself very lucky. And, we know you want to be able to plug into a proven system and be given exactly what you need to drive targeted traffic to your other revenue generating sites, and obtain truly effective strategies while others have to shell out big bucks. PLUS acquire CASH and Advertising Dollars while GIVING AWAY something for FREE! Making this a self-feeding and self-replicating frenzy.

FACT: The bulk (83%) of advertiser spending on search engines was for PAID placement otherwise known as Pay-Per-Click. Where affiliates earned up to 30% of this in commissions.

As you can see, this is an enormously generous FREE membership. You will have all the nuts and bolts to build a hugely successful search engine business in a very short period of time. This is just the beginning. We can't predict the future, we can only work on changing it for the better. And, you can have access to your own Back Office Control Center area in a matter of just seconds from now providing you all the tools you need to start making cash and free advertising!

If you are an established search engine expert or marketer, WOW, our Search Engine Portals are just too valuable of a resource for you to pass up! Just wait until you see everything you get for FREE. You will have access to tools, services and information that will explode your Web site traffic.

I started with Search Big Daddy and found a few friends to sign up with key words. Now, I have over 700 advertisers and am seeing a consistent amount of traffic! Search Big Daddy is the wave of the future, don~t let it pass you by!

Don Lamoureux Riverton, UT

Let me share with you what you receive with this FREE Membership Offer:

1. You are empowered to GIVE AWAY UNLIMITED TOP Keyword Positions and $50 dollars in FREE Advertising to your family, friends, business associates, new contacts or whoever you want. I want you to stop and think of the doors this can open for you and your business. As a member you will have access to this powerful tool.

2. You also get your own exclusive Search Portal. Aren't sure what a Search Engine Portal is yet? CLICK HERE to visit my Search Engine Portal. Think about that, your own Search Engine Portal and the income it generates.

3. $50 in FREE Advertising to GET STARTED. That's right we are giving you $50 to use in advertising campaigns Absolutely FREE. And there is NO LIMIT to the amount of FREE Advertising you can earn.

4.FREE affiliate program where you can earn CASH and FREE Advertising Dollars just by GIVING AWAY FREE Memberships that include a FREE TOP Keyword Position, Search Engine Portal, and $50 in FREE Advertising Dollars to GET STARTED.

5. A personal Back Office Control Center that is so easy to operate even a newbie can do it with no training. Here you will be able to direct your advertising campaigns, and track your referrals. Plus there is much more as you will soon see.

6.You also get all the tools necessary to make your business a financial success. We will continually add new and innovative tools and services to help you grow your business into a huge passive income empire.

7. And the best part is it's all FREE!

Alright Big Daddy. Please tell me, what do I have to do to receive my FREE TOP Keyword Position, Search Engine Portal, and $50 in FREE Advertising Dollars?

That's the easy part, just fill out the form below. But you need to HURRY! BECAUSE you'll want to secure your desired keyword FAST before your competition does . . .

Brought to you by: Zainad Furqon

Choose a username and password
(minimum 4 and maximum 16 characters, numbers, letters and underscores only) What's this? What's This?

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OR if your state is not on the list:
Company Name (optional)
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions

* - Required for US residents only
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SearchEngine BigDaddy membayar Anda per Klik

Saudaraku, saya akan mengajak anda untuk sukses tanpa modal, Anda akan dapat $100-$1000/hari, diberikan setiap tanggal 1 dan 16. Ayo gabung..! anda tidak dikenakan biaya (alias gratis)

Kerja anda hanya search (mencari satu kosakata, tersedia ratusan kata untuk anda search, satu kata yang anda klik akan di beri poin.



Anda daftar dulu di:

Maaf anda harus daftar melalui Username Orang Lain,
jadi mohon daftar melalui Username saya ya, terima kasih.
Lalu Isi Data Anda di bagian Paling Bawah Sendiri (Ingat alamatnya harus lengkap karena cek akan dikirim ke alamat anda).
Setelah Anda Mengisi Data Anda Dan Mengaktifkan Member Anda Melalui E-Mail Yang Anda Isikan, selanjutnya untuk mengetahui cara kerjanya

Anda harus login dulu di:
Terus klik LOGIN di bagian Paling Atas Lalu ketik Username Anda dan Password Anda, Setelah selesai Login akan muncul Welcome to nama Anda serta Keterangan Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya Anda Mendapatkan Dollar:
Setelah Masuk Member Only Area , ada Tulisan My Search Engine Portal, ini adalah untuk mencari penghasilan anda, anda akan dapat $100-1000/hari disini, caranya klik "My Search Engine portal", Maka akan muncul : anda

Cara kerjanya seperti di google, hanya bedanya searchengine bigdaddy membayar Anda dengan nilai tak terbatas, karenanya diminati di seluruh dunia. Jadi yang harus Anda lakukan adalah : Anda cuma menggunakan search engine bigdaddy seperti yang biasa anda lakukan ketika mencari informasi pada, BEDANYA jika mencari via searchengine Bigdaddy, Anda akan dapat $1-$25/klik untuk setiap kata yang berbeda, misal anda ketik Hyip, games, forex, dll......
Contoh : Ketik Pada Search: Hyip.................... >> dan Tekan Go search It. Maka Akan muncul:
1.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ini Misalnya) 2.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ini Misalnya)
Dan seterusnya......................................................................
Jika anda klik misal dalam kategori Hyip, misal yang anda klik 100 kali, Maka 100 x $10 (Kalau rata-rata/klik $10) Namun rata-rata klik $1-$25 Sebenarnya. Jadi anda dapat memperoleh uang disini $100, $200 atau $1000 ini tergantung anda.
Untuk melihat penghasilan anda, anda bisa lihat di Member Only Area yang ada tulisan : You Currently have $100 ( bonus anda ) in your Pay-Per-Click money account, jika anda sudah klik...klik, maka $100 akan berubah menjadi $1000 dan seterusnya. Gampang bukan???!!!

Ingat, Bigdaddy HANYA akan MENGIRIMKAN CHECK ke alamat Anda SETIAP TANGGAL 1 dan 16 setiap bulannya.

Setiap harinya uang yang anda dapatkan, akan dihitung setiap jam 5 sore (USA TIME) keesokan harinya.

Cara ambil uang/check yang akan dikirim ke Alamat Anda:
Klik tanda +My Account terus pilih billing, terus anda Ketik Nama anda, Alamat anda, Kota, Propinsi, Kode pos, Terus anda pilih yang $100.

BIGDADDY TIDAK MEWAJIBKAN anda memiliki DOWNLINE, tetapi BIG DADDY AKAN MENGHARGAI USAHA ANDA MEMPERKENALKAN Search Engine BIG DADDY kepada Orang lain. Apabila anda mempunyai Downline maka setiap 1 - 5 % dari penghasilan Downline Anda, akan ditransfer ke rekening Anda. Untuk melihat jumlah komisi uang yang didapat dari dowline anda , KLIK di bagian TANDA + di " MY AFFILIATE CENTER " lalu akan keluar beberapa PILIHAN, lalu KLIK di bagian " PPC MONEY COMMISION". Nah disana anda akan melihat jumlah uang komisi dari hasil kerja downline anda.
ADAPUN TOTAL UANG YANG ANDA PEROLEH : Bisa dilihat di BAGIAN HOME di PARAGRAPH KEDUA penjelasan BIG DADDY, seperti ini contohnya :

PARAGRAPH 1 : Welcome ( nama anda ) Earn Pay-per-click money everday by your new search engine portal , ..... dan seterusnya.
PARAGRAPH II : You CURRENTLY HAVE $ 775 in your PAY-PER-CLICK Money ACCOUNT.... dan seterusnya ...
Sudah banyak SAUDARA-SAUDARA kita dari INDONESIA yang telah jadi member BIGDADDY dan sudah dibayar. Datanya dapat anda lihat di Member Only Area (makanya jadi member dulu) - point : PPC Contest.


Best Regards,
